
online support group

Online Support Groups

Our forum at medic drive is the perfect place to meet other people with the same health condition, share knowledge and learn. You can start a topic, participate in other topics, ask questions and get your questions answered. Join our friendly community today and let us all support each other and make friends.

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Healthy Eating


Importance of healthy living

It is important that we embrace healthy living. Many disease are associated with bad lifestyle choices. Changing these choices and swapping it for healthy living can help prevent of slow down the progression on many disease. Join us for many tips on healthy living. At Medic Drive, we aim to give you all the information you need.

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Our blog


Ready for more blog posts packed with information to help you stay healthy? We cover everyday health topics and use our blog posts to answer some of your common health questions.

Our blog posts are written in a language you can understand. Visit our blog today to get lots and lots of health information.

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Medic drive Health Directory

whether you are a business looking for visibility or someone looking for a great hospital, pharmacy or health business, you are in the right place.

Want more visibility for your health business?

Whether you are a health business, hospital, pharmacy, health insurance company looking for more visibility for your business, our directory is the place to list your business. We have people who want to access your business.

Searching for a health business?

Whether you are looking for a hospital, pharmacy or specialist near you, we have got you covered. Search our directory by location, category or name of the establishment you want.

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