what to eat while pregnant

What to eat while pregnant and what to avoid

Want to know what to eat while pregnant and what to avoid, you are in the right place. One of the most famed symptoms of pregnancy is the craving for foods that you otherwise wouldn’t have been interested in. There have been women who enjoy the taste of pickles and peanut butter and others who …

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symptoms of down syndrome

Down Syndrome

In this post, we are going to discuss about down syndrome, its causes, types, features (symptoms), complications and risk factors. A case study They have been trying to have another child. But after they had their daughter 10 years ago, 5 years into their marriage, the road to that possibility had just been shut to …

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TIA -A case study of mini-strokes following sexual intercourse

TIA– Transient Ischaemic Attack, is a temporary loss of certain brain functions due to transient narrowing, or occlusion, of blood vessels to the brain leading to transient oxygen deprivation in the brain. It may manifest as a motor phenomenon characterized by paralysis or paresis [weakness], slurring of speech, or deviation of the mouth to one …

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vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge

From experience gathered while clerking patients, both as a medical student, and now as a doctor; most ladies are clueless about Vaginal discharges, often mistaking the “normal” vaginal discharge as “abnormal”. Hence the question, “are you having a vaginal discharge?” is often met with the answer “yes.” However, when you probe further you realise, in …

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vaginal douching

Vaginal douching: Harmful Or Beneficial?

Is vaginal douching harmful or beneficial? There seem to be this unsettling myth about the apparent “uncleanliness” of the vagina making rounds among the female folks, and the need to keep it “clean”, whatever that means. In a bid to indulge this myth and keep the vagina “clean” most women resort to douching. What Is …

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cutting out dairy

Cutting out Dairy: What’s The Alternative?

Cutting out dairy can mean excluding a large group of nutrients from the diet. So if you are thinking of taking milk-based foods off your menu, what nutrients should you think of adding in? If you looked inside the Institute for optimum nutrition, you would discover a variety of nut-based milk alongside cow’s milk, butter, …

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exercise while Pregnant

How to safely exercise while Pregnant

Are you planning to exercise while pregnant, In this post, we will be discussing some safety measures to keep in mind. Although pregnancy can be a joyful experience in a woman’s life, it can also take a toll on the physique of the individual. With that being said, more expecting moms are beginning to partake …

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vaginal thrush

Vaginal thrush (candidiasis)

Vaginal thrush is an infection of the vagina that is caused by the specie of fungi called Candida; Hence it is also called candidiasis. This type of fungi is called yeast. Some candida species are normally found on our skins but a good immunity keeps the number of these organisms under check. Contrary to popular …

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post abortion care

Post-abortion care

Post-abortion care refers to the bundle of care that is needed to reduce the risk of complications following an abortion (spontaneous and unsafe abortion). If you’re experiencing problems following an abortion, it’s very important that you seek help. You can contact Marie Stopes for a confidential chat. Unsafe abortion remains one of the commonest causes …

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